Monday, 31 August 2020
Wednesday, 26 August 2020
Research 26/8
Meeting Agenda
Date: Aug 26, 2020 Time:
10:30 am Location: Room 236
Topic 1: Paperwork
Review of last week’s minutes
Topic 2: Logo Design
Final voting
Topic 3: Media
- Class
contact person
- Headline for
the release
- Quotes for
the release
- Associate
Topic 4: General
Topic 5: Reminders
Subcommittee budget approximation
Weekly subcommittee meeting times
The Minutes of the Think & Create Awards Committee 2020
emma, akshay, ian, ben, jordyn, becca, edwin, zeta, bella, vinnie, max, melissa, zara
Fashion students
The minutes of the previous meeting were taken as read and confirmed as a true and correct record of that meeting.
Carried Becca, Zeta-Rose
Matters Arising from Minutes
We do not need a duty manager for the RAW gallery but will have one for Centrestage. Kathryn informed us that we do not need to use SIT approved suppliers as we are using our own money.
It was moved that the inwards correspondence be accepted and the outward approved.
Matters arising from correspondence
Matters Financial
Matters arising from financial report
Chairperson’s Report
Sub-committee Reports
- Awards – No real change this week
- Sponsorship – Absent
- Fashion – Melissa will ask how much time they would like for a dress rehearsal re:booking centrestage. She will also ask them for a stage plan so we get an idea of where they will be placing their set design.
- Catering – Vinnie reviewed the class suggestions last night. He has also requested contact details for the catering team from last year to get an idea of what type of food to purchase. A potential Kiwi theme was suggested with cheese rolls, lamingtons, fairy bread, fruit platters. The approximate head count to cater for is 150, Vinnie will go back to his mum to discuss budget and options.
- Install – The subcommittee is considering using a google doc to get an idea of submission numbers and types ahead of time. What rooms will be available to use for the exhibition? Kathryn informed us that most classrooms will be offlimits however dance studio, common rooms and hallways will all be available. The subcommittee would like question suggestions for this document. The class discussed moving the exhibition start time forward, to allow for the extra time needed by the fashion show that is added this year. Kathryn has suggested that we keep the not kid-friendly content until after the toilet break intermission, as they have done in past years. There will need to be potentially another intermission after the fashion show to change the stage into the awards/flicks setup. Security will be class members monitoring the technology setups until we shift over to centrestage and Kathryn will lock up. Zeta is contacting the person re: the centrestage booking to change it earlier in the day, to allow for test runs and fashion rehearsals. She will also ask about whether we will be able to have a key or what security will be needed during our booking. Edwin will talk to last yrs students to find out an approximate timeframe that it took to setup etc so that we know how early to book it. An earlier start time will require us to feed people more due to not allowing time for dinner beforehand. Fashion rehearsal should be in centerstage the day before.
- IT – Who looks after the lighting and technology at centrestage during the event? James Wilkinson was put forward as a contact to help with that. As Ash has resigned, he would be a potential cost if we brought him back to help.
- Evaluation – Started looking at different questions that we want to ask, still need to decide how we will be asking people on the night. Will discuss this in the subcommittee meeting and report back to the rest.
- Marketing – Continuing work on concepts, hopefully have poster proofs ready by next week. Kathryn wants the entry form emailed to her by next week, so she can print them.
General Business
- Logo Design – Final logo. Number 3 was selected with a majority vote. Design/Marketing will finalise the HD version by next week and distribute the logo to Jordyn for social media, and Becca for the discord logo.
- Media Releases – Bella will be the class contact for media releases.
1. Entertainment of epic-demic proportions
2. Popcorn & Pandemics
3. Existential Exhibition
4. Socially Distanced Exhibition
5. Students Surviving Stage Four
Number one won but was revised to Epic-demic Entertainment through class discussion.
- Duncan Sarkies and Dave Oshry were chosen as the influential people of choice to provide a quote. Duncan would be appropriate due to his previous time teaching at SIT, but we need to consider making Dave a remote judge so that he is actually involved with our exhibition, dependant on whether he is based in Auckland or Dunedin. A draft media release is required from each student by Friday 28th Aug so that we can compile the best parts into a final draft to be sent to Duncan. He will be visiting at the end of September which would be a good time to get a photo for the release.
Reminders – We need to project the number of entries to work out total budget available, second entry will cost $10? Sponsorship and catering are still to submit meeting times. A new sponsorship leader is required due to the continuing absence of the current leader. Sarah will be approached, if she does not want to do it then we will need to find a new member to jump into the role – Zeta has offered.
There being no further business the meeting closed at 11:46am
Next Meeting:
The next meeting will be held at Rm 236 on Wednesday, 2nd Sept, 10:30am.
Gaming 26/8
Find a better apk emulator to use for testing my game - apkonline is crap! Also look into mobile touch input coding for movement button press etc.
Tuesday, 25 August 2020
Screen Arts 25/8
The Wachowskis
The Wachowskis are american filmmakers that direct, produce and write. Their trademarks are stunning visuals, ambitious themes and nuanced views of gender/sexuality. Both Wachowskis got their start writing comics for Marvel after dropping out of uni before moving into script writing in the 90's. They began directors so they could have creative control over the final cuts.
Some of their most well known work is Bound(1996), The Matrix Trilogy(1999-2003), Jupiter Ascending(2015) and Speed Racer(2008). Personally I enjoyed Jupiter Ascending(for the visuals) and The Matrix 1&2.
What do you think about their directing styles? I love the over the top visuals that is the staple in their films. While it doesnt make up for the plot holes(Jupiter Ascending, The Matrix 3), the films are still enjoyable if watched with no care about the story.
Would you ever work with a co-director or a family member? Perhaps. I dont really have an interest in Film but I would enjoy working with my family in a Game Studio.
Review the movie we watched in class.
I loved The Matrix when it first came out. At the time it was visionary in terms of Bullet Time and CGI. The theme was one that hit home for a lot of people, and began a lot of conspiracy theories and fears that we are actually living in a Matrix-like world. While that thought is trippy, Im too cynical to believe it could be possible in the current world climate. Keanu Reeves became an icon for his role as Neo and deadpan line delivery. I still enjoy the movie to this day but its not one I would watch regularly, more so once every few years.
The Coen Brothers
Ethan and Joel Coen are brothers that work together as filmmakers. Joel directs and Ethan produces while both work on the screenwriting. They have won 4 Academy Awards out of the 14 they have been nominated for. Their film style is based around eccentric characters, convoluted plots and use comedy and drama together. They won best director, best picture and best actor awards at the 1991 Cannes film festival for the movie Barton Fink, the first time this had happened in the events history. They are known for Raising Arizona(1987), Fargo(1996), The Big Lebowski(1998) and No Country for Old Men(2007). I must confess I have never watched a movie from this duo so the in class sample we watched was a rather new experience and Im not sure on my final opinion of their style.
Research 25/8
Media Releases
Wednesday, 19 August 2020
Research 19/8
Meeting Agenda
Date: Aug 19, 2020 Time: 10:30 am Location:
Room 226
Topic 1: Meeting paperwork
Recap of last week’s minutes
Topic 2: Exhibition Timetable
- Current doc
- Adjustments/Additions
Topic 3: Subcommittee Budgets
- Potential costs
Topic 4: Reminders
- Weekly meeting times
- Sub-committee notes onto
- Any others that leaders
might have
Gaming 19/8
Zbrush - save tool to save progress, not document. after importing hold left mouse and shift then drag to create the object. use right mouse button to move, hold alt and move with right mouse then release alt to zoom in and out.
Hit subtool, then append and add a random tool. make sure its selected then import the next item you want. do this for each part of the model.
Tuesday, 18 August 2020
Research 18/8
Media Release attempt
As they say in show business, the show must go on and the Southern Institute of Technology, Year Two class of 2020 are out to prove a global pandemic will not get in their way. Adapting to lockdown restrictions, the annual Think and Create exhibition and opening night will forge ahead as planned on the 12th of November at the SIT Raw Gallery and Centrestage on Don Street.
This end of year event provides a glimpse into the world of the SIT Creative students and what they have been up to while studying in 2020. Whether it be film, fashion, animation, or video games that take your fancy, this Awards ceremony and showcase is a chance to step out of the real world and embrace the creative side of life for a magical night with friends and family.
The gallery doors will open to the public at (5/5:30pm?) where you will be able to wander around the displays at your leisure, before moving next door to Centrestage at 6:30pm for a fabulous fashion show followed by a screening of the very best film and animation submissions. The night will be capped off with the guest speaker and awards ceremony celebrating the top student achievements. The SIT Creative students of 2020 would love to see you there!
For more information you can contact them at
For updates and sneak peeks check out Think and Create on social media:
Screen Arts 18/8
Saturday Morning Cartoons (Woohoo!)
Action for Childrens Television
Monday, 17 August 2020
Drawing 17/8
Got to tidy up my panels and get a good colour palette sorted. Chris suggested flipping page three horizontally to direct the eye towards the next page instead of backwards.
Wednesday, 12 August 2020
Research 12/8
Date: Aug 12, 2020 Time:
10:30 am Location:
Topic 1: Covid Lockdown
Current situation (stage 2, what
we know so far, SIT announcement?)
Topic 2: Subcommittee Reports (status update, weekly target)
- Awards
- Catering
- Evaluation
- Fashion
- Installation
- IT
- Marketing/Design
- Sponsorship
Topic 3: Reminders
- Sub-committee
meetings setup
- Sub-committee
documentation added to appropriate discord channels
Topic 4: Open Discussion
Notes and Action Items
The Minutes of the Think & Create Awards Committee 2020
Meeting Held in rm 236 on Wednesday 12/9 at 10:30amPresent
Ian, Akshay, Emma, Ben, Jordyn, Becca, David, Edwin, Zeta, Sarah, Bella, Thomas, Max, Melissa
No prior minutes to report.
Matters Arising from Minutes
No correspondence to report.
Matters arising from correspondence
Matters Financial
Currently we have $1,102.70 in the bank account for funding.
Chairperson’s Report
Welcome to the first meeting, and welcome fashion students. A draft committee timeline is now pinned in the updates channel on discord, this will be updated as new tasks are assigned. The new lockdown level was discussed as well as the potential effect it will have on this exhibition. (Notes from this topic are included under General Business, as this was discussed out of order due to how recent the announcement was.)
Sub-committee Reports
Awards - Currently looking into judges with a link to SI, or valuable skills that would make a good workshop for the students.
Catering - Nothing to report due to absence.
Evaluation - Currently creating a document with draft questions. Weekly meeting set for Tuesdays 3pm.
Fashion - Arranging a time with Melissa for the sub-committee meeting. Fashion students to create a requests document outlining how many people they will be bringing on the night (makeup artists, hairdressers etc.). They will also be drafting an approximate timeline, so we get an idea of how much time they needed for their fashion show in previous years. Fashion is to also work with Install regarding the static outfit displays on the night. Weekly meetings will be Monday morning.
Installation - Edwin has created a map of available exhibition areas; the sub-committee will be discussing layout options. One member is to get in contact with Chris MacDonald to get a list of available display technology and make the bookings.
IT - David will connect Ian with Ash Bartlett, as Ash is extremely familiar with the technology setup in Centrestage.
Marketing/Design - Bella is finalising the logo, Thomas is editing the entry form, Jordyn is arranging the social media and Edwin is designing the posters. Weekly meeting set for Tuesdays 3pm
Sponsorship - David talked to the students that organised Think and Create last year and got a list of who they had as sponsors. He also asked the wider committee for sponsor ideas. Zeta mentioned the class session before the meeting where we discussed sponsors with Kathryn.
General Business
Lockdown level 2 is currently in force which will add some extra considerations to the exhibition. There is potential that we will be in a higher stage lockdown during the actual event and so a new lockdown subcommittee channel was created in discord. As this will affect all areas of planning, there will be no specific group assigned, rather the whole class included. We came up with planning concerns and suggestions that will need to be considered in each stage of lockdown
Level Two Level 3 & 4
• Head count
• Hand sanitiser
• Ticketing system
• Potential Upstage stream of open night to increase attendee numbers
• Merger of IT and Install sub-committees
• Game exhibits – a playthrough video with included Dev commentary
• Studios up to 10 people at a time
• Film a gallery walkaround, individual catwalk sessions with fashion students that will be edited together later.
• Catering sub-committee to be merged where they are most needed at the time.
• Virtual judging. Ship the prizes to winners.
• Application forms become digital.
- Sub-committees to get their meeting times to Becca for addition to the discord pinned message. Some committees were still arranging a suitable weekly time at this moment.
- Sub-committees to take notes and add them to the appropriate discord channel. There is no preference whether they use audio recordings or text, since the final report back to the main committee is verbal.
- Fashion students added to discord. This was completed at the time of the meeting.
There being no further business the meeting closed at 11:20am.
Next Meeting:
The next meeting will be held at Rm226 on Wednesday, 19th Aug at 10:30am.
Gaming 12/8
Tuesday, 11 August 2020
Research 11/8
What could we offer companies in return for supplying prizes?
Sponsorship, logos on posters/programs/social media/SIT website, internships, naming rights, tickets/VIPs, ad on movie night, banner/backdrops/signage, judging positions.
Leavers awards(3rd yr or grad dip only) - film/animation/gaming/visual art only
toon boom subscription, access to the virtual desktop for a year after graduating, cash(depending on budget), internships?
Entry form - add a returning to study response box. get contact details for wacom and HP(tablets/pc awards). applicants must specify which category they are entering. group projects not eligible for major prizes, only individuals.
Request Letters
SIT(Hamish Small) - materials costs(6 categories - film/cert/animation/gaming/visual art/returning 3rd yrs), virtual desktop access(1 recipient - leaver)
Toon Boom(Mike ) - storyboard/harmony software/subscription
Art Supplies Southland(Sandra) - vouchers
Southland Art Society)Ian Irving) - membership
Wacom - tablets
HP - computer setups, monitors
Harddrive Suppliers, gaming headsets,
Sponsorship team - draft a sponsorship letter, kathryn to hunt down details.
Awards team - sort ushers for the flicks night, talk to chris re:3D printed trophies
Design/Marketing - entry form finalised in next 3 weeks-ish(15/09). Class visits 21st-25th. 9th october entry form submission, 29th exhibitions submission. talk to rachel/james re: project deadlines to work out feasible video submission date. "free" submissions counted and invoiced to SIT.
Install - installation space layout/category locations. Max will be student liason re:entry queries/submission
Agenda - what needs to be discussed, what subcommittees need to report in
Monday, 10 August 2020
Wednesday, 5 August 2020
Gaming 5/8
- Title Page
- Contents
- Gameflow chart
- Level Design map
- Character Art
- Environment Art
- Mechanics/Hazards/Economy
Research 5/8
- Getting feedback
- Addressing issues
- What went wrong
- To improve
- Find out what people liked and what they didn't
- Accountability to stakeholders
- Catch problems early
- Track records for future years (helps with trust and people have evidence of what you are like)
- Sharing ideas and methods
- Reference material
- Measures success
- Entrants
- Audience
- Past organisers
- Sponsors
- Fashion Students
- Committee members
- Entry forms and possible logos (Marketing/Design)
- List of sponsors/products (Sponsorship)
- Investigate catering options (Catering)
- Talk to Chris Mac, scope locations and talk to visual arts students (Install/Deinstall)
- List of potential judges (Awards)
- Get in touch with Ash re:centrestage (IT)
- Drafting questions, setting up feedback meeting times with subcommittees (Eval)
Tuesday, 4 August 2020
Research 4/8
- Design/Marketing
- Bella, Edwin, Melissa Jordyn, Thomas
- Install/De-install
- Akshay, Zara, Emma, Edwin, Ben, Max
- Catering
- David, Zara, Vinnie, Zeta
- Sponsorship
- Vinnie, David, Ian
- Awards/MCs/Judges
- Bella, Jordyn, Thomas, Edwin, Vinnie, Max
- Fashion
- Melissa
- Evaluation
- Zeta, Me, Emma
- IT
- Ian, Ben
Screen Arts 4/8
Monday, 3 August 2020
BSA702 14/7
arrays and lists Quick and Easy Galaxy painting great tutorial I found when I was looking for a background for my pitch tomorrow. I want t...
Theme brainstorming. Environmental - Animal Welfare, natural disasters, global warming, human impact on nature. Animal welfare - tigers...
Barrel version 2. Melissa wanted a more exaggerated round shape so I tried a simplified barrel using the technique of drawing a curve and t...
Working on the proposal for tomorrow. Finalised the story last night, just need to finish the thumbnails off and then im good to hand in. ...