Wednesday, 12 August 2020

Research 12/8

Meeting Agenda

Date: Aug 12, 2020     Time: 10:30 am     Location:

Topic 1: Covid Lockdown

     Current situation (stage 2, what we know so far, SIT announcement?)

Topic 2: Subcommittee Reports (status update, weekly target)

  1. Awards
  2. Catering
  3. Evaluation
  4. Fashion
  5. Installation
  6. IT
  7. Marketing/Design
  8. Sponsorship

Topic 3: Reminders

  1. Sub-committee meetings setup
  2. Sub-committee documentation added to appropriate discord channels

Topic 4: Open Discussion


Notes and Action Items


The Minutes of the Think & Create Awards Committee 2020

Meeting Held in rm 236 on Wednesday 12/9 at 10:30am

Ian, Akshay, Emma, Ben, Jordyn, Becca, David, Edwin, Zeta, Sarah, Bella, Thomas, Max, Melissa
No prior minutes to report.

Matters Arising from Minutes 

No correspondence to report.
Matters arising from correspondence 
Matters Financial
Currently we have $1,102.70 in the bank account for funding.
 Matters arising from financial report 

Chairperson’s Report  
Welcome to the first meeting, and welcome fashion students. A draft committee timeline is now pinned in the updates channel on discord, this will be updated as new tasks are assigned. The new lockdown level was discussed as well as the potential effect it will have on this exhibition. (Notes from this topic are included under General Business, as this was discussed out of order due to how recent the announcement was.)

Sub-committee Reports  
Awards - Currently looking into judges with a link to SI, or valuable skills that would make a good workshop for the students.
Catering - Nothing to report due to absence.
Evaluation - Currently creating a document with draft questions. Weekly meeting set for Tuesdays 3pm.
Fashion - Arranging a time with Melissa for the sub-committee meeting. Fashion students to create a requests document outlining how many people they will be bringing on the night (makeup artists, hairdressers etc.). They will also be drafting an approximate timeline, so we get an idea of how much time they needed for their fashion show in previous years. Fashion is to also work with Install regarding the static outfit displays on the night. Weekly meetings will be Monday morning. 
Installation - Edwin has created a map of available exhibition areas; the sub-committee will be discussing layout options. One member is to get in contact with Chris MacDonald to get a list of available display technology and make the bookings.
IT - David will connect Ian with Ash Bartlett, as Ash is extremely familiar with the technology setup in Centrestage.
Marketing/Design - Bella is finalising the logo, Thomas is editing the entry form, Jordyn is arranging the social media and Edwin is designing the posters. Weekly meeting set for Tuesdays 3pm
Sponsorship - David talked to the students that organised Think and Create last year and got a list of who they had as sponsors. He also asked the wider committee for sponsor ideas. Zeta mentioned the class session before the meeting where we discussed sponsors with Kathryn.

General Business
Lockdown level 2 is currently in force which will add some extra considerations to the exhibition. There is potential that we will be in a higher stage lockdown during the actual event and so a new lockdown subcommittee channel was created in discord. As this will affect all areas of planning, there will be no specific group assigned, rather the whole class included. We came up with planning concerns and suggestions that will need to be considered in each stage of lockdown
Level Two Level 3 & 4
Head count
Hand sanitiser
Ticketing system
Potential Upstage stream of open night to increase attendee numbers
Live stream of the exhibition
Merger of IT and Install sub-committees
Game exhibits – a playthrough video with included Dev commentary
Studios up to 10 people at a time
Film a gallery walkaround, individual catwalk sessions with fashion students that will be edited together later.
Catering sub-committee to be merged where they are most needed at the time.
Virtual judging. Ship the prizes to winners.
Application forms become digital.
- Sub-committees to get their meeting times to Becca for addition to the discord pinned message. Some committees were still arranging a suitable weekly time at this moment.
- Sub-committees to take notes and add them to the appropriate discord channel. There is no preference whether they use audio recordings or text, since the final report back to the main committee is verbal.
- Fashion students added to discord. This was completed at the time of the meeting. 

There being no further business the meeting closed at 11:20am. 
Next Meeting:
The next meeting will be held at Rm226 on Wednesday, 19th Aug at 10:30am.


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