Thursday, 29 October 2020

Gaming 28/10

 Got a basic idle done, Im not sure on this cycle but as a prototype I think it is ok. I was aiming for something similar to a bored kid rocking on their heels and swinging their arms, but of course the shorter appendages on my character limit the movement.

Research 28/10

The Minutes of the Think & Create Awards Committee 2020
Meeting Held in rm 236 on Wednesday Oct 28th at 10:30am.
Akshay, Kaylee, Tracey, George, Steph, Becca, Jordyn, Ben, Ian, Bella, Zeta, Max, Thomas, Edwin, Vinnie
The minutes of the previous meeting were taken as read and confirmed as a true and correct record of that meeting.
                                                                                                                        Carried Jordyn, Bella
Matters Arising from Minutes
Matters arising from correspondence
Chairperson’s Report 
Nearly there, anyone submitting late now is no longer being included, unless they have a legitimate reason for this (i.e out of town and unable to submit).
Matters Financial
Thomas is now collecting purchase receipts. If you have paid personally for items, write your name on the receipt to be reimbursed. Now that Thomas has all the official budget requests and entry forms submitted, he can calculate the final costs of the event, with Catering still being the major cost.
Matters arising from financial report

Subcommittee Reports:
  • Awards – Course material cost prizes are now going to be one per year group, instead of all going to first year students. Zeta is confirmed as the 2nd MC on the night.
  • Catering – Vinnie has confirmed his mum can provide 9m of puff pastry, the catering budget is confirmed now. Thomas will create an invoice for Kathryn, so she can get a purchase order created.
  • Evaluation – Becca has emailed the feedback card files to Kathryn, after consulting with the present class as to which layout they preferred. Emma still needs the completed media release sent to her for the report document. After discussion, Eval will use the fishing line on the install cart to hang the pegs, with a more visible string/rope along the top to hold the strands. The mini pegs are $3 for 50 and it was decided that 100 for the event will be an appropriate amount.
  • Fashion – The 2nd year student has withdrawn from the show, which leaves just the 4 graduates on the night. Tracey has the catering requisitions for the models during the rehearsal and the event, and the Judges lunches. Fashions budget has now been finalised and sent to Kathryn. James McRobie is now confirmed as the fashion MC, with a fee of $400 that will come out of the fashion budget. Steph will email him to create an invoice to bring along on Saturday afternoon, when she will meet with him to go over the script for the night. Steph has emailed the judges to remind them about potential sponsorships. The Global distribution email did not happen for the model call, Kaylee had a backup idea and so hopefully there is now enough models for the show. George has given the marketing team copies of the certificates to be printed out for the models and the awards. He has also talked to the Printery regarding requirements for the info booklet on the night. Fashion students will attempt to get all the music files and showreels into the AV dropbox by this Friday, so they are ready for the rehearsal this weekend. Zeta suggested asking tutor James to fill in on the rehearsal day since there is no audio student currently confirmed. Fashion will meet with AV after the meeting to plan Sunday’s rehearsal. Steph is meeting with a couple of beauty students who will potentially be able to stay backstage on the night to help fix any hair and makeup issues during the show.
  • Installation – Exhibition is next week, on sunday Edwin has said there is a 10am start for the install team and anyone else available to help with setting up the gallery. In terms of availability we have Jordyn after 12pm, Ben, Max, Zeta after 3pm, Akshay, Thomas, Ian, and Edwin. Install should be quick as there is only the physical works to install this weekend. The more people that show up, the faster it will go. Edwin is finishing the floor map currently; he has been approached by a few students about displaying in specific spots in the gallery. If anyone has any questions, talk to Edwin and he will try to answer as best as he can.
  • AV – No audio student has been confirmed yet despite being emailed. Ben is going to chase that up. Tracey asked whether AV has a backup plan for audio, which Ben said no. Stu Carr was the audio production tutor that has been contacted, Kathryn will chase that up.
  • Marketing/Design – Certificates were completed however due to the change in the prizes (material fees), there will need to be some tweaking done. There are now finally some things on the social media, but Jordyn still needs more to post.
  • SponsorshipLetters are complete and sent out except for Wacom, Hp and Sennheiser.
General Business
Becca asked Kathryn how she is to pick up the printed feedback cards, Kathryn will message her when they are ready.

There being no further business the meeting closed at 11:04am.
Next Meeting
The next meeting will be held at Rm236 on Wednesday, Nov 4th, 10:30am.




Monday, 26 October 2020

Drawing 26/10

Ended up playing around in Corel Painter for the images and really liked the watercolour brush effects it has so I think i might use this instead of the flat colour I had.

Thursday, 22 October 2020

Gaming 21/10

 Weight painting is finished, I keep falling into my old habits of being too particular and finicky. I got a basic run cycle started, just need to smooth it out and add the personality touches. I am almost tempted to start over but we shall see.

Wednesday, 21 October 2020

Research 21/10

The Minutes of the Think & Create Awards Committee 2020
Meeting Held in rm 236 on Wednesday 21st Oct at 10:30am.

Zara, Edwin, Sarah, Bella, Ian, Ben, Jordyn, Becca, Emma, Akshay, Tracey, Steph, George, Melissa, Kaylee
The minutes of the previous meeting were taken as read and confirmed as a true and correct record of that meeting.
                                                                                                            Carried Jordyn, Edwin
Matters Arising from Minutes
Matters arising from correspondence
Chairperson’s Report 
Everyone is still going well. We now have all entry forms in and we will not be accepting anymore. I will send out a reminder to all students that their artist statements are due this Friday. Very proud of you all, we are nearly there.
Matters Financial
Matters arising from financial report
Sub-committee Reports 
  • Awards: Same as usual, still need a 2nd MC. Jackie has not been contacted yet. The Constance Carrington Award is now called the Helper on Set Award and Max has asked Oisin/3rd yrs for who they think should receive this.
  • AV: Ian just emailed Chris MacDonald about the expo rig. He asked for an update on acquiring IT laptops, Kathryn has had no response yet. Ben’s IT contact has fallen through – he hasn’t actually hired a pc, so he is not sure of the process. His contact did suggest We could talk to the IT program manager. We need to have confirmed the number of laptops by next Friday, before 8th Nov at the very latest.
  • Catering: Can’t do much at this stage due to a lot of it being handmade by the committee on the days before the event. An exact budget for purchase orders still needs to be submitted to Kathryn.
  • Evaluation: Still organising the feedback display, once Becca has the logo design, we will get onto printing/cutting out the cards. There is string on the install cart if we want to use that, alternatively we will need to find something we like. We can get 50 mini pegs for $3 from Kmart. We just need to track down a table to use and pens for the setup. The evaluation document – Emma has asked for a copy of the finalised media release, so she can include it in the final group report as she has begun inserting current info into the template.
  • Fashion: Steph confirmed Donna Rae as judge, she has also sent off judging criteria and the rehearsal day itinerary to the judges yesterday. She has asked them to triple confirm what they are providing as sponsorship, Donna Rae cannot offer anything financial but there is a possibility of one of her co-workers holding a workshop with the student. Kaylee has confirmed makeup students will be helping out at $5 per person + hairdressing will be charging a fee per person also (unknown at this stage). Makeup will have to be between 12pm-4pm on the night due to makeup artist availability. Fashion has created a run sheet for the night, due to having the makeup finished by 4pm the models won’t need shuttled back and forward between main campus and Centrestage any longer. Kathryn had concerns regarding the longevity of the makeup lasting until the night due to the early finish time, a potential solution is to have a makeup student/tutor on hand to provide touchups during the event. Having all the makeup artists in Centrestage prior to the event would have been preferred but this is not possible this year. Fashion has changed the Centrestage rehearsal to 9am to allow more time for the judges to do what they need to do, as one has to leave by 11am. The entire rehearsal day schedule has now been reorganised with AV/Sound/Ash requested to attend at 1pm. The full itinerary has been uploaded to discord in the fashion channel. Pop-up shop has been canned due to logistics and not many products actually available for the shop. Ash has confirmed he is available the day before the event for lighting run-throughs etc while fashion is setting up the stage for the event. Zara is unsure at this stage if she is up in the booth at this stage – Ash to confirm. George has asked if she would be able to help with model catwalk timing and she has agreed to help regardless of whether she is in the booth or not. AV/Zara will need to be on site 5pm for pre-show rehearsals. The model casting didn’t go very well so fashion will be sending out a global distribution email. Final budget will be confirmed this week.  Steph talked to Darren Ludlow who has recommended James from Ray White as an MC. They are still planning what to put in the gifts which is delaying the budget. Fashion will potentially use the budget to top up prizes/model thankyous etc. Judges will be asked to write the winners names on the certificates and put the scoring into envelopes before they are taken to lunch. Envelopes will be delivered to Kathryn that morning. George will meet with Bella re: certificates that she has already designed and whether they are ok or need new designs. Tracey asked for clarification on who is supposed to be organising sponsorship for the fashion prizes, Sponsorship has a potential photographer only at this stage. For the Judges lunch on the day, fashion will need to get a purchase order for an amount they think will cover the costs and then return any receipts for financing.
  • Install: install has acquired USBs for the TVs, greenscreen room has been confirmed, just need to email Nick what times we will be using it and what dates. (9th Nov – 16th Nov) When the digital files are submitted on the 9th, cutoff is 5pm and anyone later than that will be rejected. Install/AV will be sorting the files into assigned USB/TVs which is going to be a long night regardless without fumbling around with late entries. They have allowed late entry forms so far but no more chances in terms of punctuality. Emma has provided 2 USBs, 4 will be coming from Chris MacDonald and Install have purchased 3. 8 TVs are available for looping entrants as 3 are allocated to specific ppl. Edwin has setup the Y: drive submission box, with allocated folders for each year and category. Edwin has apologised for the poster dates mix-up.
  • Marketing: All certificates are complete, just need to follow up with Melissa regarding lanyard progress. Bella is asking for volunteers to help with replacing incorrect posters once the new ones are printed. Usual reminder for social media items that Jordyn can post to the ThinkandCreate page. Zara has suggested getting the Invercargill Film Society to post something regarding the event on their Facebook page. Bella has confirmed we are just using the existing logo for the feedback cards, Edwin has a clean copy with no background on the Marketing google drive. Becca has emailed Chris MacDonald inquiring about the Printery options and once he replies she will get the layout organised for printing. Visual art student posters will hopefully be done by Thursday and then printed and hung up.
  • Sponsorship: All of the letters except for the Wacom one has been written. Sarah will chat to Kathryn for help with finishing that one. All letters will be printed and sent out between today and tomorrow.
General Business
Edwin has dealt with the TVs, they will need to be tested once the videos start coming in. he has discussed with ben regarding organising a small team to test the TVs ahead of time. 2 TVs are sitting in the editing suite for us to use, we have them for 1.5 weeks. Thursday next week will see all TVs moved into the editing suite ready for the exhibition setup. Edwin will need help with this on the 1st Nov. Jordyn is available on the Sunday after 12pm, Ben, Ian and Zara are free to potentially help. Edwin will have an install floor plan ready next week.
Kathryn has asked for the categorized entry forms spreadsheet, Becca emailed this to her after the meeting concluded.
Becca has received a reply from Chris MacDonald regarding the printer paper options. The thickest option is 300gsm at the Printery. Onsite printers will curl the card and 240gsm is the thickest available. Basically, Printery can print it on A3 or A4 and we will get business card thickness.” Becca will confirm file format for the 300gsm Printery card option and get that ready to go to the Printery tonight. Kathryn has confirmed Printery files need to be .pdf and she will send it to the Printery once the file is emailed to her.

There being no further business the meeting closed at 11:16am.

Tuesday, 20 October 2020

Drawing 19/10

 Rework of the back cover due to feedback on the original design.

Research 20/10

 Subcommittee SWOT analysis


-We have a large amount of documentation already conveniently stored within the Events discord server.
-Subcommittees have been posting meeting minutes and notes for everyone to see,
-We have come up with a concept that will be engaging to the public to receive feedback for the event.
-committee leader is part of the committee and can provide insight for event progress.
-all members are in multiple committees making communication between teams easier.

-Divided attention, all members are part of multiple committees so focus is sometimes split
-Evaluation sometimes overlooked for more pressing assignments
-Some of the evaluation can't be done until after the event, so some of our time will be spent waiting. 

-Future proofing the event, documentation and evaluation allows insight for the students running think and create next year.
-providing feedback to stakeholders. 

-The plague/COVID 19
-Sub committees not uploading minutes 
-Budget, if there isn't enough funds leftover we may be limited to food we can get for the after event evaluation
-Community not engaged with feedback wall and not giving enough reliable feedback.

Thursday, 15 October 2020

Coding 15/10

Finally got the HUD sprite to match the ingame colours and a matching 10s countdown to go with it after a bit of tweaking and google! 

Its not ideal but it works so far so i am not complaining.

Wednesday, 14 October 2020

Research 14/10

The Minutes of the Think & Create Awards Committee 2020
Meeting Held in rm 236 on Wednesday Oct 14th at 10:30am.


Tracey, Kaylee, Emma, Akshay, Ian, Ben, Jordyn, Becca, Steph, George, Edwin, Zeta, Bella, Thomas, Vinnie, Max, Melissa, Zara



Issues Arising from Minutes:

Miss-spelled name – Becca has corrected this and uploaded the fixed minutes to discord. Jordyn has created a Y drive folder for students to drop their work in progress images to.

Minutes Carried:  Jordyn, Bella

Chairpersons Report:

Artist statements need to be finalised by tomorrow. Social media needs to start moving so send stuff to Jordyn. Other than that, we are ok


Due to entry forms being extended to tomorrow, Thomas and Edwin will look at them tomorrow after 5pm to work out the final numbers of entrants and which categories they have entered. Kathryn will need to be contacted to get entry to the physical entry form drop box. Thomas clarified that Ash’s fee will be paid out of the BSA budget, not our committee budget.

Sub-committee Reports 

·         Evaluation: The template is nearly complete. There will be an individual SWOT and a group SWOT. We were inspired by the museum idea of having an interactive display of birds that the community created and thought that we could adapt the idea for the exhibition. Using the enlarged logo cut out to form feedback cards for the visiting public to fill out, and get them to clip the cards onto pegs that we will have hanging along strings, in the RAW gallery window(space permitting). Becca will talk to Edwin once the floor plan is updated to find a good place to put this.
·         Fashion: George has emailed a statement to Kathryn, to send to potential makeup artists that might want to help. The meeting with the makeup tutor was postponed until later today. Fashion has decided that they want their collections judged at 10am on rehearsal day due to judge availability. Melissa will meet the judges, show them where to go and the fashion students will take them to lunch. Centrestage will need to be contacted to confirm that they can get earlier access on the 1st Nov. George is to email Kathryn and she will contact Ash to see if he is available for the earlier start time also. Judging criteria is sorted, only judge left to finalise is Donna Rae – she is proving a little bit hard to contact. Fashion has decided that the trophy will be a Judges Choice Award, which will be awarded to the garment that they think stands out. Steph is waiting to find out what the judges will be supplying via sponsorship first and then adjust the prizes after that. An audio production student is still required for the rehearsal and event – none found yet. Tracey has sent the catering budget to Kathryn so she can arrange the purchase orders/petty cash. Fashion wants to do their awards at the end of the fashion show for consistency, instead of with the ThinkAndCreate awards. Fashion wants to do thankyou gifts paid for out of the fashion budget – they will need to give Kathryn the exact amount so she can arrange with the Finance dept. Fashion wants their own MC for their section, the initial suggestion was unavailable, so they will need to brainstorm a new person. George has sent out the casting call on facebook now, George will also contact schools directly for more potential applicants. Fashion needs to talk to Install regarding the pop-up shop location, they will meet directly after the meeting to decide this. Fashion will be reserving seats for past and present fashion students, photographers, videographers.
·         Sponsorship: Draft letter is nearly complete; the plan is to get them finalised and sent out at the end of this week.
·         Catering: Much the same, Zeta, Vinnie and Zara will have a meeting and try and nail down exact costs for the budget.
·         Install: Talked about checking the forms after 5pm today. The 3rd Years were questioned about personal posters that need printed for RAW and Centrestage. Still need to find out about greenscreen room and there are 3 computers hired out for games but approx 7 going to be needed. Ben is going to talk to someone he knows about the process of hiring computers from ITS. Computers are the main issue currently in terms of supply – Chris Macdonald needs to be emailed about the expo rig; Edwin has offered to do this. Visual Artists – one set of photos have been submitted from Sharla for her poster, the rest have not responded yet.
·         Awards:  Same as last week, Max is still looking for a partner MC for the night. Zeta is a last resort due to her existing workload; Jacqui was suggested as someone who might be keen to help out.
·         Marketing: Melissa is still finalising lanyards, Thomas is making the artist statement look pretty and another reminder to send Jordyn images/videos for the social media. Edwin mentioned there is currently a poster and teaser trailer on Y drive that she could use. Bella has finished all the certificates except the Constance Corrington Award for stuff award, due to it needing a proper name. James will be contacted regarding the importance/origin of the name. Bella will design the lightbulb logo for the feedback cards, to be ready next week.
·         AV: There are two audio ppl potentially lined up – there was conflict between the subcommittee members as to eligibility. Kathryn will double check with Ash to see if his fee covers attending the fashion rehearsal on sun 1st Nov at 10am. Fashion/catering are going to be busy on the night. Ushers need to be organised for the night to direct ppl to the right place including fire marshals for health and safety. Available for ushers: Edwin, Akshay, Jordyn, Bex, Emma, Bella, Melissa, Thomas. Bella, Becca, Akshay, Jordyn, Emma, Edwin have volunteered to be ushers on the night. Edwin/Jordyn – Raw Gallery, Emma/Akshay – Centrestage, Bex/Bella – helping with seating once everyone is inside. Kathryn will lock up RAW once the final sweep is done. RAW Gallery ushers will check in on Sarah during the night (greenscreen/photography room). 

General Business

Edwin/Thomas/Becca/Jordyn will go through the entry forms tonight and email Kathryn with a confirmed number of laptops needed and she will email the appropriate people regarding sourcing the lockdown purchase laptops.

There being no further business the meeting closed at 11:41am

Next Meeting

The next meeting will be held at Rm236 on Weds, Oct 21st, 10:30am.




Gaming 14/10

This class I almost finished weight painting, just got the trousers to go and then I can work on the walk/run and jump cycles for next class. I am reminded of just how much this process frustrates me haha!

Tuesday, 13 October 2020

Screen Arts 13/10

Final presentation + animatic

Research 13/10

 Museum Visit

Community participation exhibit, all contributions are added at the end of the night. We decorate a mutton bird with how we feel. I added the scorpio constellation as almost a signature(my star sign), the southern cross and made the underside of the wings into dragon wings as a symbol of hidden strength.

  • interactive touchscreens - no need to carry info around
  • friendly staff
  • bean bags
  • chillout zones
  • collective wall of paintings/art(different styles/mediums in one place)
  • bird making and contribution
  • relaxing wall projections
  • small space
  • some walls were pretty bare
  • some art didnt have the corresponding info available
  • some audio was hard to hear
  • one screen had the "activate windows" watermark visible (professionalism)
  • labels only get read if the piece is found interesting 
  • low ceilings/dark
  • not much awareness that its there
  • noisy, can get crowded

Monday, 12 October 2020

Drawing 12/10

 Spent the class finishing my screen arts project cos Im crap at time management. I have 3 weeks to get my comic done but since the only other project I have left is my game and its one track, I will have plenty of time to focus and crank it out providing I can keep motivated. Pray for me!!!! Lol

Me vs Youtube

Thursday, 8 October 2020

Coding 8/10

 Today Joe and myself figured out the floor reset function and the time delay. I have to hunt down the cooldown timer code from last years project and add a cooldown into the gamecontroller script for next week. The vortex has two concepts so far, either a solid cone with textures and smoke particle type effect, or a spiral spring rotating. I need to look into how both look before I make the final decision.

Need to find a way to limit the selected colour to one that is actually present on the floor in the coding.

Wednesday, 7 October 2020

Gaming 7/10

 Finally got the rig sitting right. It took me several tries due to having an issue with lingering movement history making it bug out(same issue as last year). Thankfully I remembered and fixed it which will make the cycles a lot easier when im up to them.

Tuesday, 6 October 2020

Screen Arts 6/10

Today was just reiterating our submission requirements for next week including modifications to the original marking sheet. All talking points must be included on the slideshow when submitted, anything not included will not be marked.

I am definitely regretting my choice of director at this stage as there isn't really that much about his style out there. Trying to adapt what I noticed to my game animatic is proving harder than I originally imagined.

Thursday, 1 October 2020

Coding 1/10

 Started with the floor creation and colour picking script. I need to add the extra materials to the randomcolour script for the levels. I do need to spend more time at home working on turning the whitebox into the final game however.

BSA702 14/7

 arrays and lists Quick and Easy Galaxy painting  great tutorial I found when I was looking for a background for my pitch tomorrow. I want t...