Wednesday, 14 October 2020

Research 14/10

The Minutes of the Think & Create Awards Committee 2020
Meeting Held in rm 236 on Wednesday Oct 14th at 10:30am.


Tracey, Kaylee, Emma, Akshay, Ian, Ben, Jordyn, Becca, Steph, George, Edwin, Zeta, Bella, Thomas, Vinnie, Max, Melissa, Zara



Issues Arising from Minutes:

Miss-spelled name – Becca has corrected this and uploaded the fixed minutes to discord. Jordyn has created a Y drive folder for students to drop their work in progress images to.

Minutes Carried:  Jordyn, Bella

Chairpersons Report:

Artist statements need to be finalised by tomorrow. Social media needs to start moving so send stuff to Jordyn. Other than that, we are ok


Due to entry forms being extended to tomorrow, Thomas and Edwin will look at them tomorrow after 5pm to work out the final numbers of entrants and which categories they have entered. Kathryn will need to be contacted to get entry to the physical entry form drop box. Thomas clarified that Ash’s fee will be paid out of the BSA budget, not our committee budget.

Sub-committee Reports 

·         Evaluation: The template is nearly complete. There will be an individual SWOT and a group SWOT. We were inspired by the museum idea of having an interactive display of birds that the community created and thought that we could adapt the idea for the exhibition. Using the enlarged logo cut out to form feedback cards for the visiting public to fill out, and get them to clip the cards onto pegs that we will have hanging along strings, in the RAW gallery window(space permitting). Becca will talk to Edwin once the floor plan is updated to find a good place to put this.
·         Fashion: George has emailed a statement to Kathryn, to send to potential makeup artists that might want to help. The meeting with the makeup tutor was postponed until later today. Fashion has decided that they want their collections judged at 10am on rehearsal day due to judge availability. Melissa will meet the judges, show them where to go and the fashion students will take them to lunch. Centrestage will need to be contacted to confirm that they can get earlier access on the 1st Nov. George is to email Kathryn and she will contact Ash to see if he is available for the earlier start time also. Judging criteria is sorted, only judge left to finalise is Donna Rae – she is proving a little bit hard to contact. Fashion has decided that the trophy will be a Judges Choice Award, which will be awarded to the garment that they think stands out. Steph is waiting to find out what the judges will be supplying via sponsorship first and then adjust the prizes after that. An audio production student is still required for the rehearsal and event – none found yet. Tracey has sent the catering budget to Kathryn so she can arrange the purchase orders/petty cash. Fashion wants to do their awards at the end of the fashion show for consistency, instead of with the ThinkAndCreate awards. Fashion wants to do thankyou gifts paid for out of the fashion budget – they will need to give Kathryn the exact amount so she can arrange with the Finance dept. Fashion wants their own MC for their section, the initial suggestion was unavailable, so they will need to brainstorm a new person. George has sent out the casting call on facebook now, George will also contact schools directly for more potential applicants. Fashion needs to talk to Install regarding the pop-up shop location, they will meet directly after the meeting to decide this. Fashion will be reserving seats for past and present fashion students, photographers, videographers.
·         Sponsorship: Draft letter is nearly complete; the plan is to get them finalised and sent out at the end of this week.
·         Catering: Much the same, Zeta, Vinnie and Zara will have a meeting and try and nail down exact costs for the budget.
·         Install: Talked about checking the forms after 5pm today. The 3rd Years were questioned about personal posters that need printed for RAW and Centrestage. Still need to find out about greenscreen room and there are 3 computers hired out for games but approx 7 going to be needed. Ben is going to talk to someone he knows about the process of hiring computers from ITS. Computers are the main issue currently in terms of supply – Chris Macdonald needs to be emailed about the expo rig; Edwin has offered to do this. Visual Artists – one set of photos have been submitted from Sharla for her poster, the rest have not responded yet.
·         Awards:  Same as last week, Max is still looking for a partner MC for the night. Zeta is a last resort due to her existing workload; Jacqui was suggested as someone who might be keen to help out.
·         Marketing: Melissa is still finalising lanyards, Thomas is making the artist statement look pretty and another reminder to send Jordyn images/videos for the social media. Edwin mentioned there is currently a poster and teaser trailer on Y drive that she could use. Bella has finished all the certificates except the Constance Corrington Award for stuff award, due to it needing a proper name. James will be contacted regarding the importance/origin of the name. Bella will design the lightbulb logo for the feedback cards, to be ready next week.
·         AV: There are two audio ppl potentially lined up – there was conflict between the subcommittee members as to eligibility. Kathryn will double check with Ash to see if his fee covers attending the fashion rehearsal on sun 1st Nov at 10am. Fashion/catering are going to be busy on the night. Ushers need to be organised for the night to direct ppl to the right place including fire marshals for health and safety. Available for ushers: Edwin, Akshay, Jordyn, Bex, Emma, Bella, Melissa, Thomas. Bella, Becca, Akshay, Jordyn, Emma, Edwin have volunteered to be ushers on the night. Edwin/Jordyn – Raw Gallery, Emma/Akshay – Centrestage, Bex/Bella – helping with seating once everyone is inside. Kathryn will lock up RAW once the final sweep is done. RAW Gallery ushers will check in on Sarah during the night (greenscreen/photography room). 

General Business

Edwin/Thomas/Becca/Jordyn will go through the entry forms tonight and email Kathryn with a confirmed number of laptops needed and she will email the appropriate people regarding sourcing the lockdown purchase laptops.

There being no further business the meeting closed at 11:41am

Next Meeting

The next meeting will be held at Rm236 on Weds, Oct 21st, 10:30am.




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