Works with gov depts and inclusive for ppl with disabilities.
Base game mechanic development on games we played outside in our childhood and convert them into a digital format.
Add a timer to create excitement and adjustable difficulty. Usable mechanics include anything a gyro in your phone can measure - jumping, crouching, looking around etc.
Rube goldberg style park game, broken machine and the player has to run around and deliver collected items to each broken spot to repair the machine. Focus on using brain power, gender neutral, problem solving. Age range around 11yrs old. Bright and colourful, big(im thinking a massively over sized machine) with a fun payoff at the end once its fixed. The aim is to make them run as much as possible.
We get promotional material, video of gameplay, Melanie as a CV reference. Timeframe is delivery in the next month or two.
GeoARGames uses Valve management structure for the company.
Modelling and animation requirements - specifically for Mobile platforms.
Small studio - aim to be a generalist, big studio - aim to be a specialist.
Send CV to Rach with showreel(eep this needs work) for next semester project.
The density colour tutorial still hasnt worked, I have chucked a basic surface shader on and this gives it a rather flat colour but its progress. After talking to Rach I think I am going to have to bite the bullet and learn the bifrost graph from the beginning.
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