Thursday, 11 July 2019

2D Animation 10/7

People - who is in your story
Place - where does your story occur
Picture - what do you see when u think about the story
Plot - what are the pivotal events?

Basic Structure

  • a character wants something badly
  • something happens that moves him to action
  • he meets with conflict
  • things get worse until character is in crisis
  • he nearly loses it all
  • learns a lesson
  • makes a hard choice in order to succeed
 Go back to storyboard blogs to help refine the story into something I am happier with - particularly the ending.

Things to do:

  1. Fix the ending, either  go back to the one that I had written or come up with a new one
  2. Rework  the bookcase scene - keep current plot or go back to original?
  3. develop background angles - photoshop?

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BSA702 14/7

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