The Minutes of the Think & Create Awards Committee 2020
Meeting Held in rm 236 on Wednesday 4th Nov at 10:30am.
Akshay, Kaylee, Tracey, George, Steph, Becca, Ben, Ian, Bella, Sarah, Zeta, Max, Edwin, Melissa, Thomas, Zara
Emma, Vinnie
The minutes of the previous meeting were taken as read and confirmed as a true and correct record of that meeting.
Carried Becca, Zeta
Matters Arising from Minutes
Caleb and Oisin need to be removed from the ThinkandCreate bank account, as they are not part of the committee this year. The treasurer for our committee is Thomas, he will be added to the account as the signatory student.
Matters arising from correspondence
Chairperson’s Report
Look after each other, especially the AV team in the greenscreen room and photography room. Make sure they have access to food and drink. James has taken over the green screen room despite the fact we had it booked so we may have to change that installation before tomorrow night. We are hoping he will be finished so we can get in and arrange things back the way they should be.
Matters Financial
Thomas is now on the account and will be able to get cash if needed.
Matters arising from financial report
Sub-committee Reports
• Awards – A group of ppl are heading out to buy awards while Max is hosting the judges for their pre-screening event.
• Catering –
• Evaluation – The feedback table is set up and ready to go nearly. Just need pens, a container for the pens and a container for the blank cards. Emma has the report template up to date mostly, to be completed at the debrief meeting on Friday at 11am.
• Fashion – All good to go, big rehearsal at 2:30pm today with Ash and Ian. All the garments will be relocated over to Centrestage, and the reserved seating will be marked with a list for Becca and Bella to help usher. The Fashion programme booklet is completed and ready to go, Steph will get the certificates off Kathryn at some point today. The 3D printed trophies are currently a work in progress with some complete but some still being printed.
• Installation – Edwin is asking for help with install today due to some of his team being needed for catering and av things. Today’s mission is to get the reprinted artist statements and final posters up on the wall, along with any final project install requirements. James has responded to Edwin’s message and we will be able to get back into the green screen room from 2pm onwards today to set it back up the way we want. Devon, Kyle and Rachel have requested and been denied access to Upstage for their game so please tell them that if asked.
• AV – Today will be finishing off the playlist for tomorrow night and Ben will be going through the submitted games. The AV team has been in contact with Ash to make sure the files are all correct.
• Marketing/Design – Everything is done except for direction signs, so good to go.
• Sponsorship – Final sponsors were SIT for the major prizes, Art Supplies Southland for smaller awards, ILT(Liquorland) for reduced alcohol prices and PaknSave for reduced food costs. Everyone else approached said no. Zeta will write the thankyou letters to the contributors.
General Business
Dress code for tomorrow night is Formal.
There being no further business the meeting closed at 10:45am.
Next Meeting
The next meeting will be held at the Boom Room on Friday, Nov 13th, 11am.
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