Monday, 11 May 2020

3D Animation 11/5

Dynamics - controlled by physics not keyframes.

Start with the FX option to change the menus.

Bouncing ball animation. Start with a sphere and a ground plane. To make the floor stay where it is go into the fields/solvers tab.

For the floor select create passive rigid body and for the ball select create active rigid body. Select the ball, and click on gravity. Normal gravity is 9.8.

Under Attribute Editor for the ball, you can adjust the rigid body attributes to change how the ball drops. You can reduce the bounciness of the floor in the rigid body attributes while the floor plane is selected. Consider how shiny the surfaces are when working out how much friction to apply. You can apply more than one field to an object to change how its movement is calculated.

To make a pendulum swing out of the ball, add a rigidnailconstraint and adjust the arrows to where you want the swing point to be.

Make sure to turn all the bricks into activerigidbodies after clearing any history to create the collision. Make sure to add gravity to the bricks as well.
with no gravity added

once gravity is added
 Intro to nCloth

Turn the object into cloth using the ncloth button

The nucleus contains the attributes, gravity and wind adjustments. turn the use plane on and make sure its lined up with the floor plane. Dont forget double sided lighting for the cloth object. the ncloth node has the collisions options for the object. Dynamic properties contains the stretch bend and rigidity sliders. Shear is the diagonal tension on the object.

To attach the flag to the pole select point to surface in the constraint menu after selecting the vertexes you want to attach.

Assign a passive collider to the cloth object to tell maya that the object will collide but not rigid. Keep adjusting the wind and gravity until the flag is moving the way you want, you might have to reduce the friction and stickiness to stop it folding on itself and staying folded. You can use keyframes on some of the settings to only affect the object in certain parts of the animation cycle.(Right click on the setting and Set Key when the bar is on the desired keyframe down below in the animation bar)

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