Friday, 20 March 2020

Research 20/3

Research Types

  • Heuristic Research - A personal involvement in the subject, issue or question using pre-existing knowledge or personal experiences to drive the direction of discovery.
This one sounds the most like my research method i.e using my cats zoomies for my animation inspiration last year, or my bf's tattoos and motorbike inspiring my film in the NZCDMD course I did 2 years ago.

  • Performative Research - Performativity, in research terms is where the creator performs an action that has a transformative effect on the audience. Performative research isn't grounded in truth rather as an alternative. It doesn't describe something, rather it does something in the world.
  • Reflective Research - Creating a work, stepping back and reflecting on it using new mediums in new works such as a journal. A development portfolio for example. Quite often labelled, dated and sequenced and contained for later reference. i.e our blogs for each paper.
  • Documentative Research - Works with a project and documents the process to allow a better understanding of the practice. This leaves documentation for others to learn, critique and improve on the original research. i.e interpreting text and data, critiques. Methods used are blogs/journals, timelines etc. i.e also our blogs for each paper. 
I feel reflective and documentative is very similar, although to me reflective has a common theme the whole way through, you are using the preceding version of the work to inspire the new work whereas documentative is just recording everything, all experiments and information whether they are directly inspired or not.

  • Immersive Research - Has no goal, rather it is creating and exploring new thoughts.You place pen on paper, immerse yourself in the character and let that characters world inspire what you create. You essentially transform yourself into a new person when creating your work and let their story/personality influence the entire process.
A little of what I do fits this category as well, my angel character last year was how I saw myself if I was living in the Guild Hunter world from the book series I was reading at the time.

Need to sort out some things for my 1 on 1 on monday. My project must have progressed since what I submitted for my proposal.

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