Describe her project, what, how and why.
A poster showing the differences between reality and dreams. A young boy is daydreaming in a boring class. He has characters in his thoughts showing a contrast to reality using brighter colours. The "real world" is earthly colours. Experimenting with shading and photoshop tools to help achieve the visual differences between the two worlds.
Veronicas summary of my project
After describing my poster to Veronica, I have decided to change the composition of the image. Starting over is a pain but I think the new layout will fit my proposal better. Fingers crossed it doesnt come back and bite me in the ass timewise.
Research artist statements:
What are they used for and by whom? Key things not to do, and key things to include.
The Abundant Artist:
An artist statement is a brief summary of the story behind your work. There should be enough information that the reader can being to imagine your art before they even see it. A good artist statement must include How your work was created, What form your art takes and how it links to how you work and Why do you create what you create including the meanings behind your work and influences.
Use onomatopoeia and match the words to the work. Dont start with "My work is" or "My painting is inspired by". Get a second opinion of your statement. Start with a mind map to brainstorm answers to the How, What and Why. Avoid using lots of jargon, the artist statement is essentially the elevator pitch to draw viewers into wanting to view your work.
Do's and Dont's from
- Get to the point
- Include precise references
- Use active voice
- Use many editors
- Be specific
- Be clear
- Match your writing to your work
- Change your statement based on the opportunity
- Draw the reader into your world
- Use jargon
- Generalize
- Use passive or inconsistent voices
- Include unnecessary but pretentious references
- Include biographical information (this should be only used in a bio or CV)
- Romanticize
- Use statements starting with “I hope to…” , “I will…” or “I am trying to…“ instead tell say what you do with confidence
My 1st draft statement.
Angels have always been a large part of my favourite fantasy genre. One thing I have noticed as I get older, is that female characters have always been portrayed in a very sexual, unrealistic manner compared to their male counterparts. My brief foray into character development was focused on how I saw myself, if I was part of the world created by Nalini Singh in her Guild hunter book series. This poster is a visual experiment of that research, to show the strength and resilience of Aeliwina without the sacrifice/sexualisation of her femininity.
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