Monday, 13 May 2019

Research 13/5

I need to refine my essay topic. Currently I am interested with the monomyth/heros journey option, Im just uncertain as to how much further down I should refine it. If I continue using my angel girl character, I could use the heroine journey adaptation to help develop my characters backstory, and figure out why she is the way she is etc. Alternatively I could explore the comparisions between the monomyth and religion and the controversy it raised. Im not sure how to tie it in to my project next semester either. Alternatively i could look at the subversion of the monomyth in modern day.

After talking to Bex, I agree that narrowing the focus to the female/christian conflict with the monomyth would be a good way to go and to tie into my future projects. The use of angels/archangels in my fantasy world basically necessitates the consideration of christianity research for my review.

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