Friday, 24 August 2018

Professional Practices 22/8

Todays class was a short problem solving task based around a group setting, definitely a handy skill considering the current committee situation. Its to be expected in a committee of 30-40 odd people planning a small event, that there will be headbutting and different levels of enthusiasm. There has been a couple of alternatives put forward, and I really like the idea of our class creating a showcase amongst ourselves. That way we can have a go at all aspects of a committee, instead of just sitting and watching essentially. I had a meeting with Chris on the friday, so he could show me some behind the scenes stuff of, to help me decide whether I will use that site or not. From what he showed me, I think it will fit my needs at least for while I am studying, and theres room to upgrade the account if I change my mind on what I want the website for later on. Now that I have made that decision, I can crank out my website.

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BSA702 14/7

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