Tuesday, 11 May 2021

BSA703 10/5

First crack at making the pipes bendy . Still need to make the bowl itself a lot rounder as per Melissas feedback. I will muck around with bezier curves and see if i can create a nice round shape that way, otherwise I will just rebuild it from scratch.

Due to the animatic changes we now have shots inside the cubicle. For sake of time we will re-use vinnies home toilet and modify the tank to use in the restaurant. I created this toilet paper holder off a picture that Max pointed out.

Most of my assets are now just waiting for Thomas to decide on/create a smart material for us to use. From the few videos I found tonight, I think we could make something awesome from scratch. The masks/material video is probably a little too pedantic for the style that max/melissa are after, but he hsa some good tips in regards to layers and curves.

The first video I watched, a nice gentle intro into making a custom smart material that can be used on any model. I love the weathering effect he creates with the dark colours to bring out the metallic texture

This creator is quite detail oriented (the pedantic one I mentioned earlier). I liked the colour layering he used for the rust edges to create depth.

Some great tips about weathering, including taking photos of real life versions of your model to use as reference for wear and tear. These guys use an existing smart material and customise it to look more unique.

A step by step to make a stylised smart material. I think this look would be great for the animation but it doesnt contain the brush strokes/painterly feel that we originally decided on for this project.

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BSA702 14/7

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