Friday, 28 February 2020

Research 28/2


Map out your project:
- Question
- Medium & Trials( tools used, testing process)
- Influences(what inspires me)
- Logistics and Timeline(timing and planning)

Current mind map iteration.

Audio 28/2

Today was filming the short film that we will be using for our first assessment in terms of creating a soundscape. Bit of fun, good intro for the animators that will be doing compositing next semester. Definitely flashbacks to the cert year with Ash and our film class. Gotta remember the piece of media to analyse in class next week also.

Drawing 27/2

Life drawing class, definitely found it easier when I wasnt trying to get comfortable using conte and stuck with pencil although I think next time I need a darker one instead of my 3B. Also need to draw bigger each time, I think Im using a smaller scale to compensate for the short drawing time allocation instead of just speeding up.

5min life drawing practice. the middle one included a slight change of position mid-drawing
Trying to draw complete circles with the start and end matching up perfectly. Also changing light to dark in each stroke. The flowers are all one stroke, meeting in the middle each time.

Wednesday, 26 February 2020

3D Animation 26/2

BSA625 Assignment 1 - Pitch Bible(pdf file submitted to blackboard)

1 Minute final animation

Title page, contents page, treatment(1/2 page) - define target audience, research(3-4 pages) - mood boards and how they inspire, artistic influence and how it influences, storyboards with minor animations(3-4 panels per page) - All frames annotated and readable. APA References.

InDesign is recommended.

BSA626 Assignment 1 - Character Development Boards hand in by weds for printing

Portrait - dynamic pose completed to a high standard in intended design, bio - backstory main traits character arc, development - include sketches props costume colour palette.

Don't centre all frames for storyboard, move things around, perspective and contrast to guide the viewers eye. Balance is important - rule of thirds, head room, looking room and level horizons. Use distance to change perceived character traits/emotions.

Story Treatment - 1st revision

Dynamic pose ideas

initial idea for portrait page, soon replaced by the new idea inspired by the last photo . I was trying to play on the normal human act of sleeping in bed but with the yoga sleep style that cats often have. I need to figure out a way to wrinkle the sheet around the cat body to make it more apparent thats what is happening.

Drawing 20/2

Story ideas for comic

Name: Monty
Character: teen kid
Storyline: gets drunk for first time at his birthday party, runs out of the house and goes on crazy adventure fighting a bush, tripping and landing in a wheelie bin that he was trying to jump, chasing ducks then either blacks out or wakes up from blacking out in some weird place.

Name: Muffin
Character: Anthro muffin
Storyline: Gets baked and placed/wakes up on bakery shelf all wide eyed and innocent, looking around his surroundings in awe. He eventually gets selected after being passed over several times, and rides around the supermarket on top of a shopping basket chattering away all excited to his resigned basket mates. After getting scared when placed inside a dark bag, he is suddenly blinded at the other end of his car ride when he is unpacked. Finally sees the human face as he is picked up. Screen fades to black as he gets eaten. (final frame is pov from inside a mouth looking out. Alternatively, a plot twist ending somehow?

Name: ?
Character: anthro catgirl (animation chara)
Storyline: Kitty is sitting in a library corner, reading a book called “Being Human for Dummies” (classic black and yellow dummies book). A ribbon from a person passing by flutters off their hair and lands near her chair as she tries her best to ignore it. The ribbon twitches in a breeze as Kitty increasingly keeps looking over at the ribbon, trying to focus on her book. A final big gust lifts the ribbon off the ground and Kitty pounces, no longer able to contain herself. Chaos ensues as she gives in to her feline nature, playing and chewing on the ribbon. After some time, she snaps out of her play only to find herself covered in shredded paper, a soggy ribbon stuck to the side of her face and a crowd of humans watching her, laughing and pointing. She slinks out of the library in embarrassment.

Initial Sketch ideas

3D Animation 24/2

Fully coloured. Im undecided on the red heart as yet but for now I like it.

Monday, 24 February 2020

Screen Arts 24/2

Auteur Theory - The power of the filmmaker

The Role of the Auteur
- The theory of auteurship in modern day culture is crucial. The author of the film has a great impact on the films we watch
- The role of the author was born from classicism, a poetic movement which questioned meaning and engaged the meaning of texts(this was where the writer became more important than the text in 19th-20th century) becoming more complex with each stage of history.

-1950's era auteur theory - filmmakers films reflected the directors personal creative vision, showcasing their personal style and idealogy.
-A present day analogy would be the writer-director and having full control over the final cut.
-Auteur theory has had a major impact on film criticism since film director/critic Francois Truffaut advocated it in 1954.
-Commonly associated with French New Wave and the film critics who wrote for the influential french film review Cahiers du cinema.

Andrew Sarris was an american film critic influenced by the cahiers du cinema, introducing the auteur criteria to his readers in 1962 as a layered system of abilities.
-The three premises of the auteur theory may be visualised as 3 concentric circles. The outer circle is technique, the middle circle is personal style and the inner circle is interior meaning. The corresponding roles of the director may be designated as technician, stylist and auteur.

The French directors the Cahiers critics endorsed included
Jean Vigo
Jean Renoir
Robert Bresson
Marcel Ophüls

Their favourite americans:
John Ford
Howard Hawks
Alfred Hitchcock
Nicholas Ray
Orson Welles

Favourite german
Fritz Lang

Jean-Luc Godard became one of the first french auteurs. At first he emulated american cinema then turned against it, choosing instead to deconstruct the text and take apart the structure. "I pity the french cinema because it has no money, I pity the american cinema because it has no ideas".

The basic belief of Cahiers was that the director should use the commercial apparatus and imprint his or her vision on the work. While recognising that not all directors hit this goal, they valued the work of those who neared it.

New Wave theory maintains that all good directors have a highly distinctive style that makes their body of work unmistakably theirs. Marked visual styles and consistent themes were appreciated.

Starting in the 1960's, some film critics began criticising the auteur theory and its focus on the director. Part of the backlash was due to the collaborative nature of shooting film.

Some well known Auteurs
Alfred Hitchcock
Martin Scorsese
Sofia Coppola
Baz Luhrman
Jane Campion
James Cameron
Stephen Spielberg
Quentin Tarantino
Christopher Nolan

For “Auteur”
-Cahiers du Cinema critics / filmmakers
-The director’s signature will be on a film
-Proof: Auteur films look and ‘feel’ similar
-Lead to a New Wave of free-thinking, personal films and filmmakers

Against “Auteur”
-Critics like Pauline Kael felt the theory was narrow and exclusive because films are collaborative
-“New Critics” felt the text to be more important than the director
-Psychoanalysts believed that films are ‘culturally determined’
-Genre theorists believe that filmmakers are working within existing parameters of codes and conventions 

3D Animation 23/2

Current story:

Name: Fighting Temptation
Character: Kitty
Storyline: Kitty is sitting in a library corner, reading a book called “Being Human for Dummies” (classic black and yellow dummies book). A ribbon from a human passing by flutters off their hair and lands near her chair as she tries her best to ignore it. The ribbon twitches in a breeze as Kitty can’t help but look over at the ribbon, despite trying to focus on her book. A final big gust lifts the ribbon off the ground vertically and Kitty pounces, no longer able to contain herself. The location shifts to a battle arena and chaos ensues as she gives in to her feline nature, the ribbon becoming a living enemy as they attack and dodge each other. Eventually she manages to beat the ribbon, pinning it to the ground and looks up victorious. As she looks around, the library snaps back into focus only to find herself covered in the shredded remains of her book, a soggy ribbon stuck to the side of her face and a crowd of humans watching her, laughing and pointing. She slinks out of the library past everyone in embarrassment.

Final Linework

Colours still to come.

Research 21/2 (proposal pics/references)

Today we are presenting our 2 slides 5 mins homework that is a pre-cursor to our proposal in a couple of weeks.

Makoto Shinkai bg examples:
Hanna-Barbera handpainted bg breakdown:
Matte Painting:

Makoto Shinkai -

John K -
Matte Painting Examples

Friday, 21 February 2020

Audio 21/2

Todays class was a bit broken due to a group of us travelling to the main campus to hear from the Prime Minister Scholarship speaker in regards to the 8 week China experience hopefully next year. The majority of the information was focused around individual applications and not so much the group application that my class will be going through. Rachel has said that in the next couple of weeks we will have more specific information sessions so that will be a good help towards my decision as to whether I actually apply for it or not.

In regards to actual Audio class work, Chris ran us through using the zoom mic and sound kits since James was away this week. Other than that it was just working on something project related due to the amount of class we were missing.

Thursday, 20 February 2020

Research 20/2

Resources to research for my project.

Wolfschmidt, G. (2011). Colours in Culture and Science. 200 Years Goethe's Colour Theory. Proceedings of the Interdisciplinary Symposium in Hamburg, October 12-15, 2010. Hamburg: tredition (Nuncius Hamburgensis; Bd. 22) 2011. ISBN 978-3-8424-9468-8 (688 Seiten). 200 Years Goethe's Colour Theory. Proceedings of the Interdisciplinary Symposium in Hamburg, October 12-15, 2010.

Schloss, K.B., Palmer, S.E. Aesthetic response to color combinations: preference, harmony, and similarity. Atten Percept Psychophys 73, 551–571 (2011).
Sherin, A. (2012). Design elements, color fundamentals : A graphic style manual for understanding how color affects design. Retrieved from

Colour in Games

Makoto Shinkai -

John K -
Matte Painting Examples

Wednesday, 19 February 2020

3D Character Animation 19/2 Breathing Space

Times up, must must must have solid story and finalised character art for monday ready to start modelling.

BSA702 14/7

 arrays and lists Quick and Easy Galaxy painting  great tutorial I found when I was looking for a background for my pitch tomorrow. I want t...